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User @Gia_6073

Gia 😜, πŸ“ https://www.google.ch/maps/search/ - 🐦 twitter.com/1589436553151004673

"I'm soо fuсking amаzing 😜"

Wordle stuff

Sorry, no tweets so far. I wont show you all my gold.

--- Sorry, no tweets so far. I wont show you all my gold.

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Interesting enoguh, I sorted them by creation date but it doesnt still seem to be in order. Funny! found the problem: I could use `twitter_created_at` but i have a lot of nil for my first days naive implementation. I can just probably deprecate them soon-ish and then its all clean. Idea: use the Google Chart table and populate it - this way you can sort it client-side and noone can complain. Plus you get a number of interesting sort-by ;)

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